Meet Ayisha Nimaga: Nursing Major and 2024 Leadership Scholarship Winner

Sinking Spring, Pa. 

1. What was your reaction to winning the Leadership Scholarship?

I was grateful and excited because DeSales was one of my top choices. I felt reaffirmed that my effort, commitment to my community, and academics were recognized, and I was ecstatic to make the most out of this opportunity.

2. In your application essay, you talk about the importance of making the right choices even when you’re experiencing hardship. Why do you think this is so critical?

Even while experiencing hardship, our decisions can lead to long-term consequences and results. Our actions don’t just affect us, but others, and it is important to put a lot of thought into our choices because they can create new opportunities for growth and learning.

3. You also said there’s a misconception that wisdom comes from age, when it comes from experience. Why do you think it’s so important to make that distinction?

People can gain insight from different situations and conversations they have with each other. I believe wisdom is based on how we reflect and learn from experiences and apply them to our way of thinking and everyday life. We can gain wisdom at any age.

4. How can others stay motivated during difficult times?

Others can stay motivated during difficult times by remembering all the things they have overcome before and maintain a positive mindset by remembering all the good things they have. Having a daily routine helps, along with not letting things I can’t control overwhelm me.

5. What are some of your future academic, career, and leadership goals?

Academically, I’m working towards getting my Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a minor in psychology. My career goals include working in an ER or psych unit and doing community outreach. While at DeSales, I am working on developing my leadership goals to advocate for patients and be a voice for others.

The Leadership Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship offered to six students who have shown outstanding leadership in their high school careers and who plan to continue to develop those skills at DeSales. The deadline to submit your application, essay, and resume is Sunday, December 1, 2024.