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Locations and Parking Information

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Center Valley Campus

Our main campus in Center Valley, PA is 400+ acres of rolling hills, spacious lawns and lush landscapes with panoramic views of the Lehigh Valley. 

2755 Station Ave, Center Valley, PA 18034

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Parking on Campus

Parking regulations have been established to ensure fair and equitable access to parking by all members of the DeSales University community, including visitors.

Temporary Visitor Parking Pass: Visitors must register at the Police station located in the Father Lawless Center. Upon registering the vehicle, visitors will be issued a temporary parking pass. There is no charge for the parking pass.

Vehicle Registration

Parking permits are valid through December of the latest year printed on the permit. For example, 2023-2024 permits are valid through December of 2024. 

Returning students, please register your vehicle prior to the start of every school year in August. If you changed residence halls, please apply for a new permit since the color of your permit will be different.

2024-2025 parking permits will start going on sale on July 29, 2024.

Vehicle Registration for Students, Faculty, and Staff 

All motor vehicles parked on campus must be registered and display the current year DSU registration permit. Permits must be clearly displayed so that it is visible.

When registering online, you will need to have the following information - your vehicle registration card and your DeSales University ID number.

Permit cost per vehicle

  • Resident Students - $100.00
  • Non-Resident Students - $35.00

Students may apply for two permits online. Students & Faculty who operate more than one vehicle must register each additional vehicle. Permits either improperly placed or not clearly visible will result in a citation being issued to the vehicle operator.  All motor vehicles operated or parked on DSU property must display a current license plate and inspection sticker. 

Parking Regulations

All Resident students are permitted to park in the following lots at any time:

  • Their own residence hall, Billera Hall and Labuda Theater.
  • Between 5:30pm and 6:00am Dorothy day student union center.
  • Between 5:30pm and 2:00am resident students may park in the following lots: Dooling Hall, Trexler Library, Gambet Center, Hurd Science Center.
  • Between 5:30pm and 2:00am resident students may park in DeSales University Center lot.

Resident students are prohibited from parking in the Wills lot.

All Non-Resident students are permitted to park in the following lots at any time:

  • DeSales University Center, Gambet Center, Trexler Library, Billera Hall, Labuda Theater and Dorothy Day Student Union Center.
  • Overflow parking for Gambet parking lot will be University Center and Billera Hall parking lot.
  • Between 4:30pm and 2:00am non-resident students may park in Dooling Hall lot.
  • Between 5:30pm and 2:00am non-resident students may park in Hurd Science lot.
  • Non-resident students are prohibited from parking in residence hall lots (except Brisson and Chappuis) and Wills Hall lot.

All Faculty and Staff may park in any lot with the exception of Wills Hall and Trexler Library.

No student, faculty, staff or visitor may park in a space reserved for handicapped individuals without the proper credentials or in a space reserved for a particular member of the faculty/staff.

Timed parking spaces will be strictly enforced.

Parking is prohibited in any place that is not a designated parking space. Examples of prohibited parking areas would be the campus lawn, driveways, walkways, crosswalks, turning or travel lanes, fire lanes, and safety zones. THESE ARE EXAMPLES AND NOT MEANT TO BE AN ALL-INCLUSIVE LIST.

Failure to register a vehicle or properly display the permit so it is visible in the lower left corner of the back window will result in a ticket being issued.

All traffic laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are applicable and must be followed at all times.

Violations and Fines

Improper Placement/Attachment of Permit - $30.00
No Valid DSU Parking Permit - $50.00
Parking in Unauthorized Lot - $50.00
Parking in a Reserved Space - $50.00
Exceeding Posted Time Limit - $50.00
Blocking Dumpster - $50.00
Parking on Campus Lawn - $50.00
Parking in a Driveway/Walkway - $50.00
Parking in a Fire Zone - $50.00
Parking within 15 ft. of Fire Hydrant - $50.00
Sign Prohibits Parking - $50.00
Parking in a Handicapped Only Space - $85.00
Fraudulent use of a permit - $100.00

Fines not paid with 10 days of the date and time of the citation will be assessed a $15.00 late fee.

The University reserves the right to remove, at the owner's expense, any vehicle in violation of these regulations. 

Violations That Will Result in Suspension of Parking Privileges

If you receive any of the below listed violations while on DeSales University Campus grounds, you will lose you parking privileges for a time frame of 60 days, additional days may be applied for repeat offenses. If the suspension of the parking privilege is greater than the days remaining in the current semester, the balance will be enforced in the following semester. In addition, if you fail to register your vehicle and receive (4) or more tickets (warnings and/or citations) your vehicle will be towed off campus at the owner's expense and citation fees will be charged to your student account.

You will have the right to appeal against the suspension by completing the Parking Violation Appeal Form.

  • Careless Driving
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3714
  • Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Controlled Substance
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3731
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3802
  • Driving on a Sidewalk
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3703
  • Leaving the Scene of an Accident
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3743
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3745
  • Passengers in Open Trucks
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3719
  • Reckless Driving
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3736
  • Trespass by Motor Vehicle
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3717
  • Unauthorized Persons or Devices Hanging on Vehicle
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3711
  • Stop Signs and Yield Signs
    • Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Title 75 — Section-3323b

2 or more violations per semester.

How to Avoid Tickets

Here are some pointers that will help you to avoid tickets:

  • Register your vehicle online, and be sure that your permit is properly displayed
  • Only park in lots which have been reserved for your permit color
  • Do not park on the grass or driveways
  • Contact us if you will be using an unregistered vehicle on campus
  • Wills Hall parking is reserved and strictly enforced​

The operation and parking of vehicles on DeSales University property is a privilege, not a right. Operators must abide by the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code and University parking regulations. Violations will result in a citation/ticket being issued. DeSales University Police Officers have the authority of issuing citations in the event a motor vehicle infraction occurs. These regulations have been established to ensure fair and equitable access to parking for all members of our​ University community, as well as visitors. The parking regulations are strictly enforced.

Disability Placards

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors with a disability may be eligible for a permanent or temporary parking placard.  DeSales University does issue temporary disabled parking permits for use on University property only. For more information, contact Parking at 610.282.1100 extension 1862.

To apply for a placard from the State of Pennsylvania, you must download and submit an application to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation.  Please note DeSales University Police Department will not complete section C of the form (Certification by Police Officer).  Applicants must obtain certification from a health care provider or another authorized party, in accordance with Department of Transportation regulations.

Payment of Fines

Parking violations must be paid within ten days from the date and time the citation was issued. After ten days, a late fee of $15.00 will be added to the original fine amount. After 15 days, all unpaid fines plus late fees will be automatically charged to the registered operator's DSU account.

Do not mail payments through campus or regular mail. Parking fines can be paid by credit card online, or in person by cash or check at the Treasurer's Office, located on the second floor in Dooling Hall. Payment will not be accepted at DeSales University Police Department.

Payments made online by credit/debit card are NOT REFUNDABLE.

Appealing a Ticket

If you feel that the ticket was issued to you in error you may appeal that ticket.

  • First, the fine must be paid either online by credit/debit card or at the Treasurer's Office by cash or check.
  • Appeals must be submitted within ten calendar days of the violation.
  • All appeal decisions are final.
  • You will be notified via your DeSales email account of the outcome.
  • If your appeal is granted, the fine will be refunded to your student account.

In order for the appeal to be processed, the appeal form must be received and the fine paid within 10 days of the date of the citation.

Any appeals received after the ten-day deadline will not be considered. Appeal forms which are not filled out completely or are not legible will not be considered and will be denied.

Parking Violation Appeal Form