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Featured Event

The featured event component is used to highlight an important upcoming event.

How to Use

  • The featured event appears above a list of upcoming events.
  • The photograph or image used to highlight the event should be high quality and engaging.

How To Build

  1. Drag the "Featured Event" component onto the page.
    • Found under "DeSales Components"
  2. Click the Edit Pencil in the top right.
  3. Fill in the fields in the pop-up form.
    • Title: The title of the featured event
    • Event Url: URL of the page this component links to
    • Location: The location text that displays under the title
    • Time: Free form text field for the time(s) of the event, displays alongside the location
    • Start Date: Starting day, month, and year of the event
    • End Date: Ending day, month, and year of the event if the event ends on a different day
    • Image: Image  associated with the featured event
  4. Click "Save" at the bottom.

Content Guidelines

Information will be added at a later date.