Be Involved

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Be Involved

Welcome Back!

Whether you graduated 1 year ago or 51 years ago, we are all members of the DeSales University Alumni family!

Whether you are looking to engage with fellow alumni, connect with students or become a Class Agent there are many ways to get involved in DeSales University. The University proudly offers you opportunities for lifelong involvement with your classmates, your friends and your alma mater.  

Choose from the options below that best suit your needs. 

Be a DSU Mentor

Volunteer to help students and other alumni.

Be a DSU Mentor

Reunion Committees

Celebrate your reunion in 2023!

All classes ending in a 3 or 8 will be celebrating reunions in 2023:

1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2008, 2013, and 2018

Want to help your class celebrate your reunion?
Join your reunion committee today!  

Duties as a member of the reunion committee

  • Work with the Alumni Office to recruit additional class members to serve on your Reunion planning committee.
  • Work to bring classmates back for Homecoming Weekend.
  • Help alumni relations promote homecoming and reunion. Methods may include signing letters, writing personal notes, making personal phone calls and emailing friends and classmates.
  • Help alumni relations with special reunion year giving. Methods may include signing solicitation letters, writing personal notes, making personal phone calls and emailing friends and classmates.
  • Attend Homecoming Weekend festivities.

Benefit for Reunion Years

During your reunion year you will receive a discount to attend the Annual Dinner Dance, which will be held on March 11, 2023 at DeSales University.  The cost to attend is $250 per person, but during your reunion year, your cost will be $200/per person.  Dinner Dance is our largest fundraiser of the year and is a lot of fun, especially when you are able to get a table of friends and classmates together for the evening.    

For more information on the Dinner Dance or if you're interested in joining the committee please contact:

Dan Villanti '09
Director of Alumni Relations
610-282-1100 ext. 2112

St. Francis DeSales Society

As a lawyer known for his wise counsel, keen intellect, compelling communication style, and deep concern for the public good, Francis de Sales represents a model to which lawyers of any faith can turn to reinforce the highest ideals of the profession.

The Saint Francis de Sales Society seeks to provide legal professionals and aspiring legal professionals with a forum for community, conversation and practical advice on all aspects of the legal profession.  A special emphasis is placed on exploring how St. Francis de Sales' world views are relevant to the current needs of those in the legal community.

The society will also strive to identify, advise, and support students who may be considering law school and a career in the law. 

St. Francis DeSales Society Executive Committee Members:

James Holman ’86, Chair
Karen Salvemini ’06, Vice-Chair
Braden Borger ’02
Stephen Van Natten ’90

For more information or questions on becoming a member please contact: 

Daniel Villanti '09
Director of Alumni Relations
101 Chappuis
610.282.1100 x2112

Alumni Awards

DeSales University's inaugural Reunion Weekend is being held on campus June 14-15, 2024. During Friday Night's event, the Office of Alumni Relations is excited to add another class of recipients of Alumni Awards! This year, we have three new awards: the Salesian Spirituality Award, the Young Alumni Salesian Spirituality Award, and the Dr. John “Coach” Compardo Impact Award.

  • The Alumni Achievement Award recognizes an outstanding member of the DeSales University alumni community whose achievements have stretched far beyond campus and inspired many individuals along the way. This award is given to an alumnus or alumna with a strong commitment to their profession, their family, and their alma mater.  
  • The Alumni Service Award recognizes an alumnus or alumna who has demonstrated extraordinary service to DeSales University, through their time, talent, or treasure. The recipient aids in furthering DeSales University’s mission of “energizing students to be who they are and be that well.”  
  • The Alumni Salesian Spirit Award recognizes an alumnus or alumna who models his/her life after the spirit and spirituality of teachings of St. Francis de Sales and best personifies DeSales University’s core values of gratitude, gentleness, humility, hospitality, and/or wisdom. The recipient is someone who puts others before him/herself, gives back to his/her community, and embodies these values in real practical, visible ways of daily living.
  • The Young Alumni Achievement Awardrecognizes an alumni or alumna who has graduated within the last 10 years and has notable accomplishments in his/her life. This award is given to an alumnus or alumna with a strong commitment to their profession, their family, and their alma mater. 
  • The Young Alumni Service Award recognizes an alumnus or alumna who has graduated within the last 10 years and demonstrated extraordinary service to DeSales University, through their time, talent, or treasure. The recipient aids in furthering DeSales University’s mission of “energizing students to be who they are and be that well.” 
  • The Young Alumni Salesian Spirit Award recognizes an alumnus or alumna who has graduated within the past 10 years and models his/her life after the spirit and spirituality of teachings of St. Francis de Sales and best personifies DeSales University’s core values of gratitude, gentleness, humility, hospitality, and/or wisdom. The recipient is someone who puts others before him/herself, gives back to his/her community, and embodies these values in real practical, visible ways of daily living.
  • The Dr. John “Coach” Compardo Alumni Impact Award recognizes a singular member of the alumni community or an entire sports team from DeSales University’s past or present. Recipients are chosen based on their impact both on and off of the field, court, track, etc. The individual or team chosen must have or have had an impact on the entire culture of DeSales Athletics. Coach Compardo laid the foundation for not only athletic success but also academic and sportsmanship success. The recipient(s) must continue to lay that foundation.

Alumni are invited to nominate their peers for any award. Nominees are reviewed by members of Institutional Advancement and the University community.

Make Your Nomination

Heritage Scholarship

Calling all DeSales alumni, help us find deserving students!

Heritage Scholarship submissions for Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 are now being accepted.  The incoming student must be a full-time traditional first-year student in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 to be eligible, a current student is not eligible for the program. 

This program will allow you, our alumni, to identify students who are looking at DeSales as a possible college of choice. Those prospective students highlighted by our alumni to our admissions office will be given priority consideration for admission to DeSales University as well as priority consideration for merit scholarships. It is possible that an applicant may not receive Heritage Scholarship if they are receiving maximum financial package.

Each prospective student may only receive one Heritage Scholarship. This scholarship is nontransferable to any other institution.

Each alum can nominate more than one student and the deadline to complete the Heritage Scholarship form is December 1, 2023. 

Heritage Scholarship submissions are open now. 

Make Your Recommendation

Thank you for recommending prospective DeSales students!