Alumni Job Seekers
All DeSales alumni have access to resources that you had while you were a current undergraduate student.
Resources available to you
Whether you’re starting a new position or looking for a career change, the Career Development Center is here to support you! Feel free to use the below online resources to assist with job search, career exploration, and interview preparation.
Alumni are also welcome to schedule one-on-one career coaching appointments with our professional staff. Please call 610-282-1100 x 1738 to make an appointment.
Job and Internship posting database.
FOCUS2 is a self-paced, online career and educational planning tool. FOCUS2 guides individuals through the process of career planning and major selection. Users discover majors, explore career paths and find careers matching their interests and personal preferences.
To receive free access to FOCUS2 please contact, or 610-282-1100 x1738
Refine and master your interviewing skills with simple, fun, and effective informational modules and mock interviews.
- Enter code 0754. Click on the “Getting Started” link on the left side of the page. Watch the four short videos to get an introduction on the site, how to set up your microphone and webcam, the curriculum, and mock interviews.
Career Planning Guide
Resume, Cover Letter, References Guidelines and Samples
Career Shift
Search, select and store job listings from all job boards and all company job postings. Get up-to-date contact information, including e-mail addresses, for millions of companies. Access in-depth information about contacts and companies posting jobs.
- Enter Alumni Group Code: desalesalumni
Family Discounts
Crayola Experience – Easton, PA
Purchase discounted admission tickets and enjoy a day with the kids at Crayola Experience in Easton, PA! With 65,000 square feet of attractions, Crayola Experience is Pennsylvania’s most colorful family destination for interactive, creative play.
Simply use this link to purchase your tickets today:
The Franklin Institute – Philadelphia, PA
Enjoy hours of exploration and discovery with discounted tickets to Pennsylvania’s most visited museum, The Franklin Institute!
Just follow these 3 easy steps to purchase your discounted tickets today:
Step 1: Go to The Franklin Institute website
Step 2: Enter code: DESLSGRP
Step 3: Purchase and print your discounted tickets
Lifelong Learning Discounts
We would love to see you again! Come back to the Adult Studies program and take a course or two.
As a special offer to our Alumni, the tuition for a cultural enrichment class is only $100.00.
- Over 300 courses offered
- Courses available in marketing, management, finance, HR, accounting, literature, theology, psychology, information technology, education, and more.
- Easy online registration and payment
- No exams!
- No papers!
- No grades!
- No worries!
Course requisites
- Access to a computer
- DSU email account
- Payment upon registration
- Offered to Adult Studies alumni only (non-transferrable)
Class format
For over 35 years Adult Studies has been offering our students the best possible education while extending the flexibility and convenience of the program. We have made enhancements to our course schedule that we believe will provide greater opportunities for our Adult Studies students in achieving their educational goals, while also trying to manage their personal and professional lives. Today, Adult Studies courses are offered in a one-night per week format, Monday through Thursday, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and Saturday classes from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Each of the three hour courses will also include an online/offline component - a 2-hour weekly supplement - that will consist of various activities to keep faculty and students engaged beyond the face-to-face environment.
Any questions, please contact:
Leala Kuchera
Academic Advisor
Contact Us
If there are other opportunities you would like to see available to alumni of DeSales University please contact us at:
Daniel Villanti ’09
Director of Alumni Relations
610-282-1100 ext. 2112